Tuesday, January 7, 2014

"The Wolf of Wall Street" Movie Review

One month of sincere hard work & this is the reward I get. 

Martin Scorsese, you legend, you star, you prodigy! One more year in the movie world that will be remembered by your name forever. He’s just done it again for us. Like he does all the time. Like he has done all these years! Oh, what’s the count of years? IMDb tells me he’s into this since 1959. Whoa! Now that’s what we call a career. And guess what, in all these years the charisma, the magic and the quintessential Scorsese appeal has never died. More than forty freaking years of excellence! After having entertained us for years with his thrilling mobster flicks, he’s now successfully voyaging around different genres lately, Hugo and then this, the autobiography of stock-market pumper & dumper Jordan Belfort.

180 minutes of hypnotism and I was dismayed when it ended. It left me high, super-high! And I’m sure I’ll dwell in this movie high for at least a week and I’ll end up taking a weekend off and revisiting all the Scorsese movies all over again, some for the 4th-5th time. You can sense the high by checking the date of my previous post on this blog. This movie high has got me to revive this blog and I feel I could just keep on writing. I feel so high on energy too. Those Leonardo DiCaprio speeches man, whoa whoa whoa!

I actually sat sniggering with joy while everyone else emptied the theatre. I wanted this revelry to continue for a day at least. If you have seen earlier Scorsese movies, you would know how the central character is going to shape up. The tale of an enchanting dreamer whose ambitions squash him after a good stint with money and crime. However, unlike his other gangster crime movies, this is more of a white-collar crime movie.

Leonardo DiCaprio shines at his best again. I guess this could be his break for the jinx of not winning an Oscar till now after so many breathtaking performances. In a truly Oscar Winning Performance, he takes you to the highs and lows of the story. Some of the scenes would be etched in your mind forever like the scrawling-like-Skyler scene and when he satirically takes the case of two FBI agents in his yacht.

I read about Belfort before going for the movie and LDC is unbelievably accurate and into the character. Those fiery speeches would get you goosebumps and extremely high on energy. Belfort became a motivational speaker in his latter life and I can say this with conviction that I have not seen speeches written or performed better than this and there are plenty of them to enthrall you. And that last speech he gives, he will take you through extreme emotions and feelings. The tune of trance that he learns from his boss on his first day at the Wall Street takes completely different meaning in the last speech of LDC and you will want to jump with joy & vigor when you see hundreds of people singing the same tune of trance in a unified rhythm. You’d feel like joining them too. A treasure to watch and feel! That was the extreme peak point of the movie for me.

Jonah Hill is fun to watch too. He’s superb with his comic expressions and one-liners. He’s going to stay pretty close in the run for best actor in supporting role and might just win also but then that would be a clean sweep. I would love it though. Jean Dujardin impresses too in his short role and his first encounter with LDC is shown in a very interesting way with exhilarating expressions from them both.

LDC takes the Oscar this time. Daniel Day-Lewis could be the only living person who could compete with this level of acting. He’s not done any movie last year and hence there remains no question for competition.
And I wouldn’t be surprised if Martin Scorsese takes home his 2nd Oscar. In fact, this movie also deserves Best Film and Best Adapted Screenplay.

Dare miss this movie guys! This might just be one of the best things that happened to you recently. Not even for a moment does this movie miss a beat or allow you to go off-guard. Epic movie-making. Too much to ask in this commercialized world of art but I would love to watch a 24 hour movie from Scorsese someday. 


  1. Have wanted to see this movie eversince I saw the trailer for the first time! This movie will be my treat after this weekend's hard work at office! Not missing this one at all!

  2. A perfect treat dude! You shall feel handsomely rewarded for all your hard work :)
